Paris Avenue Video Stream

Join us each Sunday Morning and Wednesday Evening via our live video stream service.

Read along with Bro. Lwamba’s exhort.



Streaming FAQs:

How do I know when the Stream is Live?

Press the Play button on the player, if we are live, the stream will start playing automatically. If we are not streaming yet, there will be a status indication in the lower left-hand side of the player window. The Stream starts at around 9:10 AM on Sunday and 7:20 PM on Wednesdays.

How Do I Use the Player?

Click on the thumbnail to the left to view the player details. When the stream is live there is a red pin next to the live icon on the player. If you rewind the feed by selecting points along the horizontal red bar at the bottom of the player.

Do I need to install anything to view the stream?

No, the stream will play via pretty much any web browser on a PC, Mac, iOS or Android.

How do I Watch the stream from YouTube?

We use YouTube live to stream our services. You can view our live video's on our YouTube Channel. If you subscribe to our Channel, you can get alerts when we go live, and watch the live feed from your phone, tablet, streaming device, or smart TV.